
Want the exact daily routines I use to maintain a loving marriage while earning millions per year and traveling the world?

Introducing: The NEW Best Day Guidebook

When you use this guidebook, you will:

  • checkmark Start your days with the intentionality to accomplish more than most do in a week
  • checkmark End your nights in an inspired headspace with a clear vision of tomorrow
  • checkmark Feel more in control of yourself, your time, and your destiny than ever

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The NEW Best Day Guidebook

When you use this guidebook, you will:

  • checkmark Start your days with the intentionality to accomplish more than most do in a week
  • checkmark End your nights in an inspired headspace with a clear vision of tomorrow
  • checkmark Feel more in control of yourself, your time, and your destiny than ever

Ever wonder how highly successful people achieve extraordinary results in a fraction of the time?


Well, one of the secrets to their success lies in their daily routines.

After studying, working with and mentoring highly successful people for more than four decades, one thing became clear to me right away: All of these happy, high achievers practice very similar morning and bedtime routines.

While most of us are content to simply roll out of bed and begin our days on autopilot… Highly successful people are aware that the way they choose to begin each morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Similarly, establishing a healthy bedtime routine can support you in feeling grateful, happier and more fulfilled throughout the day.

You can have a beautiful vision for the life you would love, but the right daily practices are what help you actually manifest that vision. And it’s easier than you might think!


I spent years perfecting my morning and bedtime routines… and now, I’d like to share them with you in what I call the Best Day Guidebook!

The Best Day Guidebook includes two parts: Me explaining my morning and evening routines, and a new journal with prompts to customize my routines for your own life and goals.

These are the routines I still follow today that empowered me to write bestselling books, build eight-figure businesses, find and marry the love of my life, and raise six terrific kids. Follow the five steps each morning, and five steps each night before bed, and you’ll start feeling more productive, focused and happier in no time.

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About Mary Morrissey

Mary is widely known as the world’s leading authority on the invisible side of success. She has invested the last 50+ years coaching and mentoring tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and from all over the world.

She’s the author of three best-selling books: No Less Than Greatness, Building Your Field of Dreams, (which became a PBS special), and Brave Thinking: The Art & Science of Building A Life You Love.

Her experience has afforded her the opportunities to collaborate, or have audiences with, some of the world’s most influential and respected leaders, including His Holiness The Dalai Lama and the late Nelson Mandela.

Mary holds a bachelor’s degree in Education, a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters. And she’s built three different eight-figure businesses from the ground up.