The Answer by David Icke Review
We are so much excited to bring to our followers and readers this latest book from no one else but the fulltime conspiracy researcher, investigator, and author David Icke. The Answer is the last book that David has written and it was published in August 2020, so it’s still pretty freshly hot sitting on the shelves of offline and online book stores.
With over 700 pages, dimension size of 15.88 x 5.08 x 23.5 cm, and pure black cover with a white title, it makes the book look like a thick bible. But we are not surprised because David has been known for writing long detailed books. Also, going back to the book cover design, we can clearly see and sense that pretty cover design is not what’s important, but what is important is the content.
What the author of the book, David Icke said about The Answer is that it contains the information to Free Humanity from the psychological enslavement imposed upon people for centuries. The proof and facts of what David talks about are very well hidden and one must retain an open mind and perception to see what is really happening to humanity in the world. In a nutshell, people let themselves being controlled and programmed to behave and do exactly what the whole Cabal and the “Big Spider” want.
And because the Real Truth is well hidden and masked with lies, it all still remains the conspiracy theory rather than facts, but that’s for each individual person to determine the validity and trustworthiness of the information provided in the book “The Answer”.
So before anyone makes a strong opinion about David’s life-long research, all we ask is to read the book or watch the interviews with David Icke and try to consume the information with an open, not skeptic, mind. The reality is that there is too much evidence to ignore and disregard what is being covered in the book.
This book could be an answer to all the world problems if we stop blaming the society and others for our misfortunes and struggles, and start focusing on ourselves, the truly strong and confident loving spirit. All of what is happening in the world is not necessary, we as each individual have the power to literally change the entire world around us and finally enjoy the abundance and beauty of our planet., But that can be achieved only if every individual as humanity awakens from the matrix and takes the full charge and responsibility for life.
If you are the Seeker of Truth and the answers that no one seems to have, The Answer book could be the key that unlocks the hidden door in mind to awaken and free yourself from the mental cage that most of the people seem to subconsciously live in.
Realization is Powerful!
The Answer is Here…
Click Here to Buy The Answer Book
David Icke
Independent Author, Researcher, and Fulltime Investigator
“Open Your Heart”, Unconditional Love is the Answer.
When you read David Icke’s books or listen to his interviews, what you will learn about him is that he is a very spiritual, generous, and loving person who understands the cosmic universal energies that go beyond our 3D reality and what we think is a real world. Unconditional love is if not the one most powerful energies that transform the realities.
David Icke started his journey in the late 80s’ beginning of the 90s’, as he felt like that some unexplainable force is setting him up on the journey of awakening humanity. He had many mystical, almost psychedelic experiences before getting fully on abord with what he has to do.
Since the 1990s’ David wrote over 20 books covering various topics from political agendas, spiritual and religious scams, the global conspiracies about controlling and enslaving humanity to get to the point when we no longer have free will and do our own decisions based on our free will.
David Icke has uncovered the lies coming from political, governmental, and religious sectors, but also from mainstream media that is deceptive in every single way that has been going on for decades or maybe even centuries.
“Listen to Your Heart, and You’ll Find The Answer!”
Table of Contents