Rich Habits - The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals Review

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Rich Habits - The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

9 Habits You Must Develop by Thomas C. Corley

What you do today matters.

In fact, your daily habits may be a major determinant of your wealth.

“The metaphor I like is the avalanche,” says Thomas Corley, the author of “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals.” “These habits are like snowflakes — they build up, and then you have an avalanche of success.”

Corley spent five years studying the lives of both rich people (defined as having an annual income of $160,000 or more and a liquid net worth of $3.2 million or more) and poor people (defined as having an annual income of $35,000 or less and a liquid net worth of $5,000 or less).

He managed to segment out what he calls “rich habits” and “poverty habits,” meaning the tendencies of those who fit in each group. But, Corley explains, everyone has some rich habits and some poverty habits. “The key is to get more than 50% to be rich habits,” he says.

(Excerpt from:


1 Rich People Always Keep Focused and Their Goals on Mind

One of the most common habits that rich people have in common is the “Focus”. Not just on the goal or outcome, but in general. They like to keep focused on the things that matter in their life, such as good health, relationship, career because they know that the one without another is imbalanced.

2 List the Tasks for Each Day and The Know What Needs to Be Done

A little by little, every day the successful people plan, do and complete the tasks that they set for themselves, usually in written form. On average, they  finish 70% of those tasks that they write down finish each day.

3 Reading and Listening to Audiobooks

Wealthy people read a lot. But not that kind of stuff that most of the people do, like drama, tragedy, comedy, romance, action, sci-fi, etc, but the educational and informational books and audio books that will help them to get closer towards their goals.

4 Rich People Work a Lot and They Enjoy It

The Majority of rich work over 50 hours per week on average and they enjoy it. The major percentage of poor work fewer hours and they hate their work!

5 The Value of Good Health

Having a good health is the most important thing that anyone can have, and wealthy people know it. They value their health as the top priority.

6 Positive Mind and Thinking

Successful people smile a lot, and are very positive in everyday life.


7 Wealthy People Don’t Watch TV!

It’s true, and it’s the big one. The only individuals that watch the TV in their free time are poor and middle-class people. Most of the rich do not watch TV every day, except interesting news or documentary channel or sport.

8 They Don’t Hope for the Jackpot or Lottery

Rich People always play safe with their money, not waste it in a lottery. 94% of questioned wealthy people agree with this statement, and only 23% of poor disagree, meaning that 77% of poor individuals think that they can only get rich through the winning a jackpot in a lottery.

Thank you for reading the review of Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals book by Thomas C. Coley, and hope that you will do right choices in life.

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