Stage To Scale Method Review
What Is Stage To Scale Method by Pete Vargas?
>> Stage to Scale Method Is Now OPEN! <<
This is a summary and review of the Stage to Scale Method by Pete Vargas who happens to be one of the most successful stage speakers and entrepreneurs of all time, alongside Tony Robbins, Daymond John, and many others who were able to influence masses of people from the stages, TV, or a Radio podcasts!
In fact, to support this claim, those 2, Tony and Daymond, are actual supporting partners of this training program and use the same strategies and methodologies to build and scale their own businesses online and offline. So you can imagine how much trust and confidence in the Stage to Scale Method we have, that it’s probably the top training program for entrepreneurs from all walks of life, no matter what kind of business you’re in, and We’ll explain why.
Having a prosperous and successful business where you are not your own slave, is a dream of most of the people on this planet. So in order to have this kind of business and freedom, you need a lot of other people looking for what you got to offer to them whether it’s a product or a service. But if barely anyone knows about you and how great your business is, everything else doesn’t really matter. Your product or service could be the best on the planet but if only a few people (compared to the whole world) know about it, your business is not going to make that kind of impact to provide you with financial and personal freedom.
Unless you learn and master the public speaking or any kind of massive way to get your message out to the world so people looking for solutions to their problems know about it.
This is where the Stage to Scale Method training course comes to completely solve this problem. You will get all you will ever need from A to Z and more to become a successful entrepreneur that everybody wants to hear speak and follow because of mastering the most precious and valuable skill, how to speak, and connect with people.
This gives you and anyone who’s willing to learn and apply this knowledge the amazing instant power to become successful and start living a dream lifestyle.
“Learn this Valuable Skill of Speaking to People and the Rest Will Come to You!”
Hopefully, We answered the question of what Stage to Scale Method is and Who will benefit from the training, and now let’s move on to the summary and more details of the course.
Stage to Scale Method Summary
Ok, we’ve connected with Pete Vargas and his team to get the important details of the training program so we can actually give as much info as we can for anyone who is interested in joining but wants to know more about what to expect.
First, here are Free valuable resources that are part of Free training that Pete and his team have scheduled, so take the advantage of those, download them, and go through every detail, it’s gonna be worth it.
1. How to Speak with Confidence and Get Over Stage Fright
2. Guide to ONE TALK and Unlimited Potential
3. 1- 2 Punch How to Land Any Podcast (Works with All Types of Stages)
>> Download Free Podcast Guide
More Free Resources and Web Class Training
Now, apart from the free PDF resources mentioned above, there is going to be a free webinar series of high-quality training and information as a part of the Stage to Scale Method. As far as we know there are going to be 3 Free video training calls starting with the first one on the 24th of October.
We keep you informed about any extra details or changes that may arise, just come back to this page to check when the dates get closer to Stage to Scale Method door-opening day.
3 Steps How to Grow Your Business with Stages (Video and PDF)
The undeniable truth in the business industry is that many people are going out of business simply because they are unable or don’t know how to regularly bring in new customers. It’s the only way how to scale up the business and it’s also a part where most of the business owners and entrepreneurs fail.
As Roland Frasier once said:
“If I had no money and no contacts, this is the vehicle I would choose to create a
substantial income from scratch.”
The 16 Places to Get New Clients (Video and PDF)
There are many types of stages to choose from, online or offline, small or big. Well, specifically it’s 16 main types/categories of stages. One of the biggest misconceptions about public speaking on stages is that it has to be big, there are plenty of small places that are perfectly suitable to benefit from with much less overhead than stages with thousands of attendees.
Now, this video and pdf exercise will help you to determine which type of stages are the best fit for whatever message you want to get out to the world.
>> Click Here to watch the video and download the PDF
Discover Top 10 Ways to Get Clients in 2020
Here you’ll learn the main 10 ways how people and businesses get prospects and clients. Professional marketers and successful entrepreneurs are doing most if not all of them to attract prospects and clients to figure out which one pays out the most and focusing more on that one.
But normally each one of the strategies is able to generate profit in any kind of business if everything is done right in the right order. But again, speaking on stages is perhaps the fastest and most effective way to close clients.
>> Click here to learn 10 Top Ways to Get Clients in 2020
WHY STAGES 3-Part Free Training
More of FREE training from Pete Vargas, where he’s talking about his journey and why he chose stages as the main and most powerful medium to share the message with the world.
The Power of Stages
In video 1 of this extra free training, Pete talks about why are stages the most powerful way to grow business, customer base, and multiply the revenue streams rapidly, more than anything else out there. Speaking on stages is the fastest sure-shot for any kind of business, since more than 2000 years ago!
The Story Braid Framework
Video 2 is about Pete’s complete framework that he discovered and works for every kind of stage speaking whether we talk about the online or offline stage, podcasts, keynote speech, conference calls, talking to the team, your boss, partner, kids… you name it.
Also, ALL workshop participants will get a chance to participate in a challenge to win one of Pete Vargas’s $9800 Workshop including travel and all expenses.
>> Watch the Story Braid Framework
Surprising Ways to Scale Past the Stage
We leave the summary content of video 3 as the surprise to you 🙂
>> Watch the 8 Ways to Scale Past the Stage
The Stage to Scale Bonuses & Specials
Here are the main primarily bonuses that everyone who enrolls in Stage to Scale course will automatically get.
- 8 Weeks of LIVE Group Coaching. This is hands-down my favorite part of the program! Pete and his team have sold similar coaching for $10,000 per attendant. The entire S2S team is in the Facebook community daily, providing feedback and coaching PLUS the will have 2 full Q&A sessions each week.
- A FREE ticket to our annual live event: REACH Live. This is the ONLY event dedicated to growing your business through stages. The event will be April 30 – May 2, 2020, in Orlando, Florida. And if someone can’t come this year, they can always carry over their free ticket to the next year. This has a retail value of $997.
- Build a Course in 7 Days Digital Program. This is one of the most popular and favorite courses they have! It is the proven model into building a digital course in 7 days – they even go behind the scenes into how Pete’s team helped Hal Elrod create his course in ONLY 1 day. This bonus is priced at least at $497.
More bonuses are coming and will be announced soon, closer we get to the opening launch of Stage to Scale Method.
In the meantime,
Have a Great Day!
…More Info Coming Soon…
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