
practice mindfulness meditation

Types and Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation Practice

Types of Meditation Practices in Buddhist Tradition Sharp senses and laser focus has always been a defining feature for mankind. Such qualities have enabled our forefathers to protect themselves against all threats and thrive in all situations. Unfortunately, however, there is only a fraction of us who have experienced the full potential of our senses. […]

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meditation heals

Why Is Meditation Important and Good for You

In this short article and video presentation below we’ve explained why is meditation good for you, the importance of meditation in life and why everybody should find and personalize some sort of meditation or ritual every day. Do you feel most of the time frustrated, stressed, sad, or angry that nothing is coming your way […]

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living in the heart

Living in the Heart Review Meditation and Book

Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek This short book, about 120 pages, had a massive effect on my life, possibly the similar wow-aha moment when years ago I read both The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life Volume 1 and 2 books. But I found Living in the Heart book short, descriptive and […]

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flower of life

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Activating the Illuminated Heart and Merkaba Meditation About the ancient secret of the flower of life book. Well, really don’t know where to start, so hopefully we will get to the right point and explanation of what the flower of life and Merkaba is and what the spiritual scientist, Drunvalo Melchizedek discovered because of his unconditional […]

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Dr Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer Books on Meditation and How to Manifest a Great Life This is the review about Dr Wayne Dyer books, guided meditations, and profound quotes and life, bringing the light of love into our lives once again. It’s been almost a year since one of the greatest inspirational thinkers, best-selling meditation books author and spiritual scientist’s death, Dr Wayne Dyer. It’s great how our lives […]

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